On the Ground: Hard Lessons

I thought you might like to see the email I got recently from Clarisse, CEO of HeHe, Ltd, a company not yet a year old. I had asked her about the national conference where she was asked to speak.  The government has asked HeHe about a road trip around the country to speak to youth (we could show episodes on inflatable screens from Unicef) for discussions about hi tech enterprise in an emerging knowledge economy. She wrote between classes, prepping for exams, since they all graduate in December. As you see, already the team has had some challenges –that’s what I mean by “insider stories.” All four HeHe team members are smart, tough and ambitious.

Hey Diane,

So the Rwanda Entrepreneurship Week was organized by Cambridge university.

It will run from July 25th. HeHe will he leading a session on team work;

Teamwork workshop:

  • Do I need a team?
  • How do I build the right team and where/how do I find cofounders and employees?
  • How do I create open communication channels with my teammates, and help them create the same communication channels with each other?
  • How do I make decisions with my team?
  • How can I recognize one of my teammates for his/her accomplishments?
  • What do I do if one of my teammates is causing difficulties?
  • How do I remove someone from my team?
  • What are steps I can take to improve my team dynamics?

We will be discussing some of these points.

Thanks, Clarisse

Left to right: Amiri, Diane, Clarisse and Richard

Young World Inventors

Young World Inventors is a mini-doc web series that makes invention contagious. We're building a global community that connects inventors, mentors, and investors.

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